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Thank you for expressing an interest in volunteering at PAL! We would be delighted to have you on our team.
Though we love that younger people are also interested in helping the animals, we require that anyone under the age of 18 be accompanied by an adult. It is a great way for parents and grandparents to bond with a child and teach them about caring for animals.
Below are some brief descriptions of how you can be involved and help the animals. See our application for more details.
We have a morning shift and an evening shift to feed and let out the dogs. Depending upon how many dogs are in the shelter, it can take between 1 to 3 hours to complete a shift. The kennels are mopped, the food and water dishes are washed and refilled. The exercise yard is pooper scooped. There's still time to visit the dogs and tell them you love them! The morning shift starts between 7:30 to 9:00 am, and the evening shift around 5:30 pm. You can volunteer to do one shift a week, or perhaps one shift a month if that's all the time you can spare. We'd be happy to have you either way. We also have people who walk dogs every morning. Would you like to take a dog for a walk once a week?
The timing on when the cat work is done is not as critical as it is for the dogs. Once a day, a volunteer will wash and refill the food and water dishes, clean the litter boxes, sweep and mop floors. If there are blankets to wash it would be great if you can start a load of laundry! Visiting with the cats and kittens is always fun.
Because we are in need of new volunteers, our office hours are limited. We would love to be open more hours each day, and with your help, we can be. You will be trained on how to answer questions, process animal adoptions, and do other necessary paperwork.
Our shelter building is feeling its age, and we are always looking for handy men and women to help with improvements. Painting, carpentry, plumbing, concrete-whatever talent, we can use you. We can also use people to sweep, rake leaves, mow the grass, wash windows, and other chores to keep the building looking spic and span.
We would love to have someone to help organize a fundraiser event with us! We also can use help with setting up and working the local events in Emmett such as the Cherry Festival and Harvest Festival. Please let us know if you would like to help. We also have other fundraising opportunities throughout the year, and you may have some of your own that could help us.